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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 7: Head of the Emergency Team at the Kuwait Municipality branch in Farwaniya Governorate Ahmed Al-Shurika confirmed the removal of 150 election advertisements put up on State properties without a license, reports Al-Qabas daily 

In a statement to the daily, Al-Shurika disclosed the team visits houses where the photos of candidates are displayed in compliance with the directive of Municipality Director General Ahmed Al-Manfuhi and then records the violations of those who put up unauthorized advertisements.

He confirmed that the team closed a café in Farwaniya for serving hookah to customers in violation of the health regulations laid down by the Ministry of Health, in addition to the demolition of camping sites in South Abdullah Al-Mubarak where various violations were uncovered.

He explained that setting up car shades on State properties, including government buildings, without obtaining a permit from the Municipality is a violation of relevant laws and regulations.  He revealed seven car shades adjoined to the mosques in Ishbiliya were removed in response to the complaint of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs.

On the other hand, Al-Shurika said the team demolished five unlicensed football ground in Reqei after receiving complaints about trespassing on State property and using certain areas without a license; as well as 14 random advertisements which distorted the aesthetic view and obstructed the motorists’ view of the road.