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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 21: The US Embassy in Kuwait organized a Fun Run/Walk at Boulevard, Salmiya on Saturday. Below is the speech delivered by US Ambassador Lawrence Silverman.“Thank you all for being here this beautiful morning, exercising, and enjoying the outdoors.I would like to thank Nike and the Ali Abdulwahab Company for sponsoring today’s Fun Run, and Pro-Vision for coordinating all of the event’s logistics. Thank you as well to The Boulevard, for allowing us to use this beautiful location for the Discover America Fun Run/Walk.This is the opening event of the 5th Annual Discover America Week. Over the next ten days the US Embassy will organize many programs promoting what the United States has to offer as a venue for Kuwaitis to visit, businesses that provide opportunities from which Kuwaitis and Americans can benefit, and a place to get high quality university education in every subject imaginable.We will also highlight American culture, food, restaurants, fashion, music, film, automobiles, and healthcare. The week will be full of events and special promotions, and I encourage you all to participate. There is a schedule of events in the bag you received. You can also check out the schedule on the Embassy’s Twitter and Facebook pages.These events focus a spotlight on the strong US-Kuwaiti friendship, and explore areas to broaden and deepen this relationship. This friendship was recently deepened and broadened by the visit of His Highness, the Amir to Washington in early September.Over the next ten days, we will showcase this friendship not only between nations, but also between people. I hope to meet you at our Discover America events.Again I am pleased to see all of you out here exercising. Now that the weather is turning cooler, we are in for a beautiful next 6 months or so. And one of the best ways to stay healthy, in addition to eating smart, is to exercise.It’s important for the state of Kuwait that its people engage in regular exercise. As someone who had diabetes, I know how important regular exercise is to overall health, and to avoid serious health problems.I hope that events like this will help promote a healthy lifestyle. That’s smart not just for you and those who care about you, but it’s also smart financially, so that disease and expensive treatment of those disease and conditions can be reduced.Good luck in the Run/Walk and I will see you back here soon to present awards and gift vouchers to the fastest runners. Thank you.”