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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 2: The Human Rights Committee Monday elected MP Jamal Al-Omar as Chairman and MP Askar Enezi as rapporteur with MPs Faisal Al-Shaye, Hamoud Al-Hamdan and Adnan AbdulSamad members.

The new-appointed Rapporteur Al-Enezi said the committee will soon decide on the priorities of the Commission. He added, a ‘person’ has filed a complaint with the National Assembly on behalf of the defendants of the so-called Abdaly Cell and the Parliament has referred the issue to the concerned committee.

Al-Enezi added there are many laws on the committee’s agenda concerning the rights of Bedoun. He said the committee will follow up this file and will also look into the reports of the former Bedoun Committees to benefit from them. Meanwhile, the Public Funds Protection Committee has elected MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji chairman and MP Saif Al-Azmi as rapporteur.

After the election Al-Azmi said the committee will withdraw the issue of Kuwait Investment Office in London from the National Assembly agenda and will not agree to extend its work. He added all the issues on the agenda of the committee have been forwarded to the Public Prosecution. The Foreign Affairs Committee elected MP Kamel A-Awadhi as its head and MP Mohammed Tana Al-Enezi rapporteur. Al-Enezi stressed the committee has decided to set up its priorities of the current session round during its meeting next week.

In another development, the rapporteur of the National Assembly’s Health, Social Affairs and Labor Committee MP Saadoun Hamad Al-Otaibi disclosed the committee met Monday and discussed the mechanism of its work for the next phase. He said the committee will meet next week to determine the topics to be studied during the next phase in addition to identifying its priorities.

He pointed out the committee will study bills and proposals and integrate similar proposals with each other as a prelude to invite competent authorities for their discussion. He explained there is an agreement to form a subcommittee that will facilitate the election of one of its members as chairman and rapporteur in order to avoid the lack of quorum during the meetings of the next phase.

In other news, MP Faisal Al-Kandari has forwarded parliamentary queries to the Oil Minister Ali Al-Omair concerning the fourth package of the Al- Zour refinery project. The lawmaker wants to know the following: If the Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) has sent a letter to the Central Tenders Committee (CTC) to cancel the fourth package of the Al-Zour refinery project, if so, he wants a copy of the letter.

He also wants to know if it has been put into practice, and if so a copy of that letter. He also asked if the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has forward a letter to the CTC to cancel the pipelines tender meant to feed the new refinery No 2013041/RET due to the cancellation the fourth package of Al-Zour refinery project.

If so, he wants to see a copy of the letter sent to the CTC complete with reasons and what details of the opinion of the CTC for approval or disapproval complete with reasons. He has asked if the KOC was informed by the CTC not to cancel the pipelines tender meant to feed the new refinery No. 2013041/RET. If so, “please provide me the details complete with correspondence and reasons thereof.” Al-Kandari also wants to know if the KOC has sent a letter to the CTC to refloat the feed tube tender of the new refinery No. 2013014/RET and the names of qualified companies and the estimated value of the new tender.

Was there any rejection by the internal committee of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) on the cancellation of the tender No. 2013014/RET for KOC pipelines for feeding the new refinery project, he asked. He wants details of the minutes of meetings of the committee in connection with the tender. Finally, he said, “Please provide me a copy of the letter sent by KOC to the CTC.” Also give reasons for cancellation of the tender of the pipelines of feeding the new refinery No. 2013014/RET.

By Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff