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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 2: Several Kuwaitis, religious leaders and experts have condemned the idea of giving a daughter’s hand in marriage more than once; alleging that some fathers get their daughters hitched with the purpose of sharing marriage loans with the couples involved, although the act violates law and Islamic tenets.

Kuwaiti citizen known as Bu Jassem is of the view that any man who marries out his own daughter with the intention of sharing marriage loans does not deserve to be entrusted with the life of his family members.

He noted such a father should be made to account for his action, alongside the fake groom conspiring with him to commit sin. In his comment, another citizen Anwar Al-Murash stressed that marrying a woman to different men in order to share marriage loan with the grooms involved is a crime by all legal and humanitarian standards.

He suggested anybody caught perpetrating such an act should be treated with iron fist, particularly a father whose conscience is dead and uses his own child as a commodity.

According to journalist Najat Al-Hashash, few fathers who are into this act in Kuwaiti society exploit the humane nature of their daughters and strip them of their human rights. She affirmed that Kuwaiti culture and tradition frown at such acts alien to society.

She urged the government to enact laws against greedy fathers, because Islam abhors the manipulation of marriage. Contributing to the issue, Muslim cleric Sheikh Saleh Al-Ghanim expressed revulsion and anger on the fact that some people abuse religion and marry their daughters more than once for monstrous reasons.

He stated any action, which nobody can be proud of, is not part of the religion. He stressed that marriage is a very sensitive aspect of Islam, which nobody dares play games with. He cited the Holy Prophet (PBUH) frowned at people manipulating the Holy Book, thus “manipulation of marriage agreements for material gain is haram (forbidden) in Islam.”

By Najeh Bilal Al-Seyassah Staff