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University graduates to get highest amount of KD 790

KUWAIT CITY, July 8: Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) has set rules for the disbursement of financial support in favor of the national personnel working in private sector, and also determined the sums to be disbursed to various categories of beneficiaries, according to their educational qualification, in addition to regulations to govern workers registered under Chapters Five and Three.

With regard to the financial sums to be disbursed according to educational qualification, holders of university degree in (Medicine – Pharmacy – Engineering) have the highest sum of 790 dinars, and university degree holders in the following majors (law, accounting, information systems, statistics, nursing, economics, financing, financing of financial institutions, financial management, insurance, foreign trade, banking sciences, cooperative, and teaching) have disbursement limit of 740 dinars, while certificates in the rest of the disciplines bring the amount of support to 690 dinars.

With regard to high school certificates and diploma holders, in addition to those undertaking a course of no less than two academic years or its equivalent, their support limit will be 629 dinars, and 521 dinars for secondary certificate holders undertaking a training course of no less than a year or gaining work experience in private sector equivalent to the duration of the course or intermediate certificate and a training course of no less than 3 academic years or equivalent. The support for high school certificate holders or equivalent is 557 dinars.

As regards the intermediate certificate holder with training course no less than one academic year or certificate of experience in the sector equivalent to the course, 531 dinars has been determined to support them, while intermediate certificate holders will get 511 dinars only. Below intermediate certificate holders who underwent training course, two years of study or gained equivalent experience working in private sector will get 481 dinars. Support set for below intermediate certifi- cate holders is 456 dinars only holders is 456 dinars only.

Three controls for registrants in Chapter Five The authority limits the disbursement to registrants in Chapter Five to three controls. First, the authority works to pay Chapter Five registrants in one tranche for six months, according to the value of financial support specified in the decision for those who have payment requirements to support the national workforce.

The activity will continue for the entire support period of six months from the date of issuance of the Cabinet’s Resolution No. 654 of 2020. The decision stipulates the specified support is not due in the event that the employer loses any of the conditions for the disbursement of support set by the Council of Ministers for that period under the decision No. 391 of 2001, while actions will be taken to retrieve the money

Controls of workers in Chapter Three
The decision of the Public Authority for Manpower specifies the disbursement of support to registrants in the third chapter to be paid to business owners per month for a period of six months consecutively, and in accordance with the sums specified in the decision.

The support should not be disbursed during the period which the employer fails to submit a request for disbursement within the time frame specified for submitting applications, in relation to those who submitted request after the announcement period. And, he should provide proof that the work center continues to work and the value of salaries of the employees has not been received from any government agency in these exceptional circumstances.

The employer must provide proof of transferring the salaries of the national personnel to their bank accounts from the previous payment as a condition for transferring the next payment. The first installment is excluded from this condition, provided that the employer provides proof of salary transfer by his employee within a maximum period of one week from the date of transferring the first installment. The employer or his authorized signatory should pledge not to prejudice the national workers’ salaries or dismiss any of them until the end of the support payment period at the end of June 2021.

Support Director General of the Public Authority for Manpower
Ahmed Al- Mousa said the additional support referred to will be paid to registered employers under Chapter Five for six months at one go on July 25 without the need to submit an application for disbursement. He indicated the disbursement of additional support for Chapter Five includes employers who are registered with the Public Institution for Social Security; among them the owners of small and medium enterprises in an attempt to preserve their conditions and help them overcome the effects of the crisis. Al-Mousa stressed the value of the aforementioned support will be disbursed for a period of six months, according to the specified total value, namely: University degree in Medicine – Pharmacy – Engineering: 4740, Law – Accounting – Information Systems – Statistics – Economy – Nursing – Finance – Financial Institutions Finance – Financial Management – Insurance – Foreign Trade – Banking Sciences – Cooperative – Teaching: 4,440, and 4,140 to be paid to the rest of the university degree holders.

450 dinars will be added to the master’s degree holders and 900 to doctorate degree holders for the entire disbursement period. As for diploma or high school certificate holders completing training course of no less than two academic years, the sum will be 3,774 dinars, while high school certificate holders with training course of no less than one academic year or experience in private sector or intermediate certificate and training course duration of no less than three academic years is equivalent to 3,426, while support for high school certificate holders or its equivalent is 3,342. Intermediate certificate holder who undertook a training course of no less than one academic year or has experience in private sector equivalent to the course duration are entitled to 3,186 dinars.

On the third chapter, Al-Mousa pointed out that starting from next Sunday, establishments wishing to benefit from the economic package by doubling the financial support scheduled for the national workforce registered on the third section that meet the conditions for support disbursement, can enter the authority’s official website and submit a request for the disbursement of support for two years. The request for approval of the disbursement of support must be made through the Authority’s automated system with the signing of acknowledgment and a pledge not to tamper with the national workforce salaries until the end of the support disbursement period. (Al Qabas)