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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, May 23, (Agencies): The Ministry of Health is not keen about vaccines whose effectiveness and safety have not been proven through the scientific studies published about them, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting official sources from the Ministry of Health. Regarding the possibility of approving and supplying vaccines other than Pfizer and Oxford, the sources indicated that the Moderna vaccine is likely to be approved soon. They highlighted the situation in some countries that resorted to administering the third dose of some COVID-19 vaccines, which are not approved in Kuwait, about six months after administering the second dose. Meanwhile, the sources explained that Kuwait is just a few steps away from achieving the milestone of two million COVID-19 doses administered to the people of Kuwait.

They affirmed that the ministry is intensifying its efforts to vaccinate about 70 percent of the country’s population in order to achieve community immunity within the shortest period of time. This is aimed to contain the pandemic and stop its spread among the various segments of the society. The sources said the total number of COVID-19 doses administered so far in the country exceeded 192,000 as of Wednesday last week, adding that the pace of vaccinations accelerated in the recent period with the arrival of Pfizer vaccine shipments almost weekly.

They stressed that the vaccination campaigns have started to bear fruit through the improvement of the epidemiological situation of the country, and the positive indicators that now reveal decrease in the number of deaths and infections, as well as a remarkable decrease in the number of intensive care patients suffering from COVID-19. Kuwait, meanwhile, has jumped to the 28th position in the world in terms of societal immunity against the ‘Corona’ virus out of 208 countries around the world, by immunizing about 47.5 percent of the population, which predicts to acquire total community immunity in Kuwait early next September, according to the CovidFax website. Informed health sources said Kuwait has made great strides in community immunization since the start of the national vaccination campaign which kicked off at the end of last December and continues to date.

It has succeeded in administering more than 2 million doses to citizens and residents. The sources say the efforts of the Ministry of Health to speed up the rate of immunization in the country has been greatly appreciate, pointing out in the beginning the ministry could not keep up the pace due to the lack of availability of vaccines, then gradually increased the pace and the vaccines became available by doubling the number of vaccination centers and units, and the intensification of home and mobile campaigns.

The ministry indicated that the rise in societal immunity, followed by an expansion in the procedures for returning to normal life, easing health restrictions in public places, opening air traffic inside and outside, while adhering to the necessary health requirements according to each stage of the gradual return to normal life. The Directorate-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) announced that the exemption from the quarantine decision for Kuwaitis returning home (those who have received the vaccine against the Coronavirus and those recovering from it from the quarantine decision came into effect yesterday, reports Al- Seyassah daily.

The Deputy Director General for Planning and Projects Affairs and spokesman for the DGCA, Saad Al-Otaibi, told KUNA the decision includes citizens who received their first dose two weeks ago, as well as those who have recovered and were abroad for 90 days. Kuwait’s Ministry of Health reported 10 COVID-19 deaths and 992 infections in the past 24 hours. The new figures took the country’s death toll to 1,734 and the caseload to 299,215, noted the ministry’s spokesperson Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad in a statement. He pointed out that 1,166 patients have recovered over the past day, raising the total to 285,118. He added that the number of people hospitalized with the virus currently stands at 12,363, including 153 currently in ICUs. Al-Sanad revealed that 8,396 swabs conducted over the last day, bringing the total to 2.52 million. He renewed calls to abide by health precautions to curb the spread of the virus.