‘No to foreign ideologies’

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‘Kuwait keen to protect local, Arab identity’

KUWAIT CITY, June 8: Kuwait affirms its categorical rejection of any ideologies that are alien to societal values of the Gulf, Arab and Islamic identity, reports Al-Qabas daily. This was highlighted in a letter sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Ministry of Education and other concerned parties, in implementation of the work of the 13th meeting among the heads of government agencies concerned with human rights held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh on January 10, 2023, and a discussion of the ministerial council’s decision during its 153rd session in September 2022 concerning the protection of moral, religious and family values.

The letter affirmed the keenness of Kuwait to fight foreign ideologies that are alien to society related to the destruction of marriage and family values. It stressed Kuwait’s categorical rejection of any attempt to impose any ideas or behaviors that are not in line with local identity and values. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs drew all efforts that translate its participation in international and regional forums and the implementation of its decisions and recommendations in the field of human rights on the ground in a way that serves the general interest of Kuwaiti society.

The ministry stressed that the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council decided to unify diplomatic positions in both regional and international forums, in partnership with Arab and Islamic organizations and institutions, to reject any irresponsible international decisions or directives that would promote extraneous ideas that are against authentic Islamic and social values. It also stressed solidarity in the face of any pressures targeting Arab and Islamic societies in their identity, belief and constants. It affirmed respect for the sovereignty and privacy of states, and the principles of cultural diversity as well as protecting the values of marriage and family as guarantees for the stability of societies, the sustainability of development, and respect for human rights and dignity. In a related context, the Ministry of Education informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the efforts and proposals of the Department of Social and Psychological Services for protecting moral, religious and family values in Gulf societies.

These were topped by conducting and implementing scientific and applied research and studies in the various fields of social and psychological counseling such as preventive, therapeutic, educational, vocational, ethical and family-related.

This is based on the objective of finding out the level of awareness among students regarding the importance of educational values in building a good citizen, such as adherence to the scientific method and approach in selecting topics of interest to students in schools at different educational stages, and collecting the theoretical framework with the use of standards tests, or preparing or codifying standards for studies and their application in the field, in order to reach recommendations that could be implemented in all possible and appropriate ways in the educational field.

In addition, an educational source affirmed the ministry’s keenness to implement and activate the child rights protection program by providing educational programs to workers and parents in order to raise their awareness about children’s rights, and ways to protect them from social and psychological problems by implementing approved preventive programs to raise awareness in various forms especially community awareness through cooperation between the Ministry of Education and other ministries and agencies.

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