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Bureau head says some official bodies hindering probe
MP Shuaib Al-Muwaizri
KUWAIT CITY, Dec 18: MP Shuaib Al-Muwaizri has threatened to internationalize the issue of ‘prisoner of conscience’, people who have been sentenced to various jail terms for storming the National Assembly, reports Al-Rai daily. He has also threatened to resort to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and file complaints with supporting documents to protect what he called future MPs from such treatment. He said the government can withdraw the cases which have been filed against these people.He went on to say, “Changing the faces in the newly-formed government is not of great importance, what is important is the change in approach. We are dealing with the ministers based on what portfolios they hold not because of who they are. We hope the ministers will fulfill their constitutional duties to the fullest,” Al-Muwaizri added.On the other hand, MP Adel Al-Damkhi said a group of MPs who sympathize and support the prisoners in the issue of storming the National Assembly met in the office of MP Jama’an Al-Harbash to plan the future course of action when the new ministers will be sworn in. “We will announce our position after the meeting and we will discuss everything related to the session and everything related to the relationship with the government during the coming period,” Al-Damkhi said in a press statement yesterday. Meanwhile, acting Head of State Audit Bureau Adel Al-Saraawi disclosed that some official bodies hinder the procedures related to investigating and referring some employees to the relevant disciplinary council but the bureau has been keen on enforcing the law on all state institutions that commit major financial violations, reports Al-Rai daily.AffirmedHe said both the legislative and executive authorities affirmed the need to question those who are involved in violations concerning public funds. Al-Saraawi explained that the bureau recently met the parliament’s Committee for Budgets and Final Accounts.They discussed the report on uncooperative official bodies over the issue of major financial violations based on the final report of the 2017/2018 fiscal year. The head of the committee emphasized the importance of toughening penalties in line with the laws, as the committee does not consider the current penalties as tough enough.Al-Saraawi revealed that some official bodies have been cooperative. He affirmed that legal actions have to be taken against anybody who is involved in violations, and this should not be limited to a specific class of employees. Al-Saraawi urged for linking the renewal of supervising jobs and promotion of senior officials to the extent of violations committed under their responsibility.