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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 7: MP Khalil Al- Saleh has sent parliamentary questions to the Minister of Oil Ali Al-Omair regarding a news report on the deferral of the signing of Al-Zour Refinery contracts even though they have been prepared. He explained that a local newspaper had published an article stating that the oil minister demanded halting the signing of the Al-Zour Refinery contracts, which was scheduled for mid-October. MP Al-Saleh insisted that the minister must answer the questions below if the news article is true:-

■ Does the right to sign contracts belong to the Minister of Oil, the Executive Chairman of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) or the CEO of the company?

■ If signing contracts is not the minister’s prerogative, why did he intervene and disrupt the signing at this particular time?

■ Did Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC), which was responsible for the implementation of the refinery project, take all necessary approvals and carry out all studies prior to the process of the signing of the refinery contracts? If yes, MP Al-Saleh asked for a copy of all the approvals and studies carried out prior to the signing of the refinery contracts.

■ Why was the signing of the refinery contracts suspended at the last stage just days before they were to be signed?

■ What are the impacts of this delay in the signing of contracts, especially on the financial obligations with contractors? What is the likelihood for bidders to withdraw or increase their offers?

■ How will this delay impact providing Ministry of Electricity and Water with the proper fuel? What will happen if the fuel is not provided and how will it impact the citizens?

■ Has the Ministry of Electricity and Water signed an agreement with KPC and KNPC to provide their refineries with fuel? Was there an urgent request for the project so that fuel supply will be delayed and the situation of oil stations will be affected?

■ Was a study conducted on the environmental impacts of Al-Zour Refinery project? Was the study forwarded to the Environment Public Authority (EPA)? What was EPA’s response?

Meanwhile, MP Abdulrahman Al- Jeeran urged for the creation of religious, social and educational attaché for the overseas Kuwaiti students. He explained that the academic performance of overseas students is falling drastically, as they resort to cheating, obtaining fake certificates and participating in quarrels.

This matter necessitates holding Minister of Education accountable for the absence of an overseas cultural attachÈ and lack of discipline in the students’ performance of their responsibilities. MP Al-Jeeran indicated that there are also questions about coordinating with the academic accreditation body and the Ministry of Higher Education as well as about the extent of coordination with the Ministry of Planning for the harmonization of scholarship plans and development projects. He expressed concern over the continuing decline in the educational system under the lack of any serious and objective action being taken to avoid the series of failures in Ministry of Education.

In another development, Minister of Health Dr Ali Saad Al-Obeidi disclosed that the Patient Protection Law has been presented to the Cabinet for preparation by the Legal Committee followed by referral to the National Assembly for approval. He explained that allotting necessary laws is one of the basic ways of protecting patients inside and outside hospitals. In addition, Dr Al-Obeidi affirmed the success of the ministry in the implementation of necessary procedures for tackling diseases and viral infections and preventing their outbreak, revealing that three out of the five cholera patients have been healed.

By Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff