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KUWAIT CITY, June 8: MP Faisal Al-Shaye has stressed the need for MPs to stop the proliferation of fake academic certificates, warning that the future of the country will be gloomy if the people who hold fake certificates are allowed to assume leadership posts.

Al-Shaye made the statement during the parliamentary session Wednesday. He also disclosed that 5,768 employees obtained bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate certificates without attending classes.

Responding to the lawmaker, State Minister for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Abdallah Al-Sabah affirmed that the government is willing to cooperate with the Parliament in enacting laws which will fortify the educational and career structures in the country.

He added the certificates obtained by employees without getting permission from the employers will not be recognized while disciplinary action will be taken against employees who obtain college degrees without going on official study leave.

On another issue, the National Assembly approved Wednesday the proposal to amend some provisions of Police Force Law No. 23/1968.

According to the report of the Interior and Defense Committee, the law was enacted on Sept 21, 1968; hence, the need for the amendment of some of its provisions in view of the latest developments in the field. A number of articles were amended, including Article Five, which consists of more realistic definitions for the following: officers, ranks, assistants, commanders and admirals according to the military chain.

The amended law stipulates dismissal of a police officer if he does not pass the probationary period, either during the year of provisional service period or the last month of that year. The second paragraph of Article 37 states that police officers and noncommissioned officers involved in volunteer work should not be more than 30 years old. The revised Article 79 stipulates that special leave days without pay should not be more than one year.

It also stipulates other paid leaves as follows: sabbatical, medical, sports, to escort husband or wife and other leaves granted to female employees in accordance with the Civil Service Act for women in the police force. On the other hand, the Parliament approved the request of the Interior and Defense Committee to retrieve its report on the proposal to amend Prisons Law No. 26/1962 for further study; while the Public Tenders Draft Law was approved in its first deliberation.

Meanwhile, during the parliamentary debate on questions submitted to ministers, MP Jamal Al-Omar explained the rationale behind his question to the minister of finance on the national portfolio for supporting Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). He pointed out the unstable situation still affected the stock market despite the establishment of the portfolio in 2008 with a capital of about KD1.5 billion. He said the portfolio was established to support the economy but it failed to do so due to preference given to some listed companies. He claimed the portfolio has not achieved its objective yet it helped some companies which are performing well. After the discussion, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim adjourned the session until June 13, 2016.

By Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff