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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 16: National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim invited the MPs to the ordinary sessions slated for Tuesday and Wednesday. Items in agenda of these sessions include the grilling motion of MP Hamdan Al-Azmi against Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali on the following issues: allowing Kuwaiti women to join Kuwait Army, ignoring the recommendations of the State Audit Bureau (SAB) regarding the Eurofighter deal, failure to address violations in the suspicious deal, lack of cooperation with monitoring institutions, failure to respond to the MPs‘ queries, non-issuance of executive decrees for some laws, wastage of State properties, and the lack of commitment to the decisions issued by the Council of Ministers and Civil Service Commission (CSC ) on replacing expatriate workers with nationals.

The agenda includes the government’s work program, report number 51 of the Legal and Legislative Affairs Committee on the proposed amendment of Penal Code number 16 /1960 which was approved in its first reading in the previous session, report of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the bill prohibiting any deal with Israel and boycotting the latter, report of the Business Environment Improvement Committee on the proposed amendment of law number 98/2013 on the National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), report of the Environment Affairs Committee on amending the law on establishing the Environment Public Authority (EPA), report of the Housing Affairs Committee on the proposal to amend Article Five of Housing Welfare Law number 47/ 1993, report of Illegal Residents (Bedouns) Affairs Committee on the Bedoun issue, report of the Budgets and Public Accounts Committee on the budgets and final accounts of public institutions for fiscals 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, and continuation of the MPs’ response to the Amiri speech.

Meanwhile, the Human Resources Development Committee discussed a number of bills on Sunday. Committee Chairman MP Hamad Murei Al- Azmi disclosed that they approved the bill on granting additional six months leave without the need to return to the country for the companion of a patient undergoing overseas treatment. He said the existing law stipulates only six months leave for the companion of a patient. Failure to report for work after the six months leave will lead to punishment including dismissal, he added.

The committee also approved the following proposals: allow public sector workers to continue their studies while working, allow Bedoun doctors and nurses to work in public and private hospitals, grant children allowance to female employees in the private sector if their husbands cannot provide for the needs of their families; put Kuwaiti lawyers working in the private sector and registered at Kuwait Lawyers Society under category A of those receiving national labor subsidy which includes doctors, engineers and pharmacists; and bill on amending the Civil Service Law to allow holders of secondary certificates or lower to apply for a job once they reach 21 years old.

The current law stipulates three conditions for the applicants: must be at least 25 years old, married and must hold a diploma after completing the secondary stage. In the proposed revision, these conditions are replaced with only one condition – at least 21 years old.

MP Saleh Zeib Al-Mutairi disclosed that he and several other MPs have submitted a proposal to hold a special session on Jan 27, 2022 to tackle bills concerning retirees such as distributing part of the profits of the Public Institution for Social Security (PIFSS) to the retirees and find ways to help them in their day-to-day life.

MP Muhammad Al-Hewaila has proposed assigning the Housing Affairs Committee to conduct a research on establishing a residential city in West Hadiya after handing over the land occupied by Abu Halifa Park to the Public Authority for Housing Welfare (PAHW).

According to the proposal, the committee will submit report in this regard to the Assembly. MP Saoud Bu Sleeb submitted a proposal to grant 50 percent discount for the electricity and water bills of the families of widows and orphans registered at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Moreover, MP Al-SaifiMubarak Al-Saifiasked Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Ali Al- Mudaf to provide him with a list of tenders fl oated in the last five years for cleaning and maintenance works at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET).By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff