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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 19: In response to the announcement of MP Faisal Al-Kandari about his plan to submit an interpellation motion against Minister of Finance and acting Minister of Oil Anas Al-Saleh over the increase of petrol prices, the minister welcomed the idea affirming that he is more than prepared to stand on the grilling podium.

In a press conference Monday, the minister explained there are two reasons behind his response: First, interpellation is the constitutional right of every MP — a step that is necessary to uphold the supervisory role of the Parliament over the actions of the government.

Second, interpellation is the best way for the government to clarify the procedures taken towards financial reform in every aspect of development in the country and to clarify that it is not only about the rationalization of expenditures or increasing revenues.

The minister went on to confirm that such a decision will, in the long run, be a sound step towards reform and it will be in favor of the country, as it is based on studies and recommendations of numerous financial institutions from the national and international arenas.

Furthermore, Al-Saleh stated the recommendations tackled in the last meeting between the two authorities were taken into consideration, but the government is also required to look into other sources in order to come up with a decision with the best possible outcome. On the other hand, Minister of Public Works and State Minister for National Assembly Affairs Dr Ali Al-Omair stressed the importance of cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities during the new parliamentary term in order to continue the work towards national progress, and for the members of both authorities to perform their duties well as stipulated in the Constitution. Commenting on the parliamentary directive to hold an emergency session to discuss the government’s decision to lift subsidies on petrol; the minister said that with respect for the rights of MPs, the government prefers mutual coordination over the matter.

Meanwhile, the number of MPs who signed the request for an emergency parliamentary session has increased to 24. This request is the idea of MP Ahmed Al-Qudhaibi, but it cannot be submitted unless the number of signatories reaches 33 in accordance with the Constitution. MP Askar Al-Enezi disclosed that he signed the request in order to shed light on what he regards as “dangerous reasons behind the decision.” Like most MPs, Al-Enezi asserted the Parliament will always stand by the people and it will never allow the implementation of a decision which negatively affects their income.

By Ahmed Al-Naqeeb Arab Times Staff