Fire Service and Marine rescues six expats at Blajat Beach

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KUWAIT CITY, July 15: In a recent incident, the Public Relations and Media Department of the General Fire Force received a distress call on Saturday evening regarding six expatriates of Asian nationality who had drowned while swimming at Blajat Beach. Upon arrival at the scene, rescuers discovered that three individuals were in good condition, while the remaining three were clinging to rocks, experiencing extreme fatigue.

The fire brigade and marine rescue teams promptly initiated a rescue operation to assist the stranded individuals. They skillfully rescued the exhausted swimmers and transported them to a designated center, where they were subsequently transferred to medical emergency personnel for further care.

The Department of Public Relations and Information emphasizes the importance of exercising caution when visiting seaside locations for recreational activities such as swimming. It specifically urges citizens and residents, particularly those who are not strong swimmers, to take all necessary safety precautions to prevent any potential drowning incidents.

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