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author name Arab Times

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Foam spraying at night photo by Tariq Malallah (
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: Kuwait Municipality has warned Kuwaiti and expatriate shop owners and hawkers who make brisk business by selling or advertising foam during the National Days festivities to abandon the idea, reports Al-Rai daily.The daily quoting the source noted the Municipality will enforce the stiffests penalty against perpetrators of the act. He said expatriates found culpable will be deported, noting files could be referred to the Public Authority for Manpower to close down concerned shops in case the expatriates aren’t deported.He stressed Kuwaitis and Bedouns will be treated according to the rule of law by making them sign undertaking never to repeat the act. He indicated the Municipality has categorized those who are involved in the sale of foam into three. The first category is a worker who sells the contraband at investment or commercial complexes. The seller in this case will be held responsible for the violation rather than owner of the property.He noted hawkers fall into the second category, and if caught in the act, their sponsors will be invited to arrange for their deportation. “The last entails children who are still regarded as minor; therefore, their sponsors will be invited for investigation”. He reiterated all the aforementioned cases will be dealt with according to the rule of law, in collaboration with concerned authorities in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Interior, and the Public Authority for Manpower.