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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 5: Barbers and Barba-Cabalen heated up the hardwood at Hawally Disabled Sports Club, combining for more than 200 points in a thriller match-up of epic proportions at PBLK’s 5’8” Division 8th Season on Friday.The top guns of Barbers showed up strong as five players scored in double figures. Alisbo led the scoring pack with 26 points, while Baldevarona finished not too far behind with 23 points taking home the Best Player of the Game award. Ona scored 15 points while Idanan added 12, while Ramos contributed 10 points.Barba-Cabalen didn’t back down without a fight with four of its players scoring in double digits: Licup (24 points, Alvaro (18 points), Intal (11 points), and Cape (11 points).Both teams went unstoppable early in the game, as they engaged one another in a shootout making for a high-scoring first quarter, 26-31, in favor of the Barbers.The second quarter saw the Barbers push their advantage further, outscoring Barba-Cabalen by 10 points. The Barbers went on to close the first half with a comfortable lead, at 44-59.Barba-Cabalen managed to turn things around in the third quarter by outscoring the Barbers (32-25) care of an unprecedented surge by the line-up of Cape, Buco, Pariscal, Intal, and Viray. Barbers turned to the troop of Alisbo, Ona, Player # 54, Ramos, and Baldevarona to counter Barba-Cabalen’s run, and was able to hold Barba at arm’s length, 72-84.The fourth quarter was anybody’s game as either of the team refused to let up on offense. Yet another shootout ensued with Barba-Cabalen getting ahead in the shots department. However, Barbers had built too big of a lead for Barba to get even with the time remaining. Barbers were able to hold on to the lead at the buzzer and won the game, 102-106.In other 5’8” Division games, King Pirates nabbed another win against Hashtag (94-81), while Bad Bananas clinched a victory against the Amigos (93-83).Meanwhile the Inter-company Division saw two teams go for complete carnage as they prowled on their opponents leaving no room to recover: Desert Camp dominated Al Yasra at every turn to lodge a 97-73 win, the team’s 5th in 8 games. The win was the redemption the Camp sought after having lost 2 consecutive games. On the other hand, MOD proved too strong for Kuwait Engineers as they recorded a lopsided 80-43 win.The Non-Leaguers Division continued with three teams each getting a win: Kuwait Hunters (vs Dentech, 85-74), Maranatha (vs Goto Express, 86-80), and Hyundai (vs Genesis, 84-76), to complete Friday’s games.By Kathrina PereaSpecial to the Arab Times