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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, July 11: It seems that abandoned buildings have become a trait of a number of ministries and government institutions. There is “total silence” about these buildings, some of which have historical and heritage value. They continue to be a hotbed for violators, and a storage place for waste and dirt that increases day after day under the unjustified ignorance of the concerned authorities, reports Aljarida daily. The Post Office building, which is located in the heart of the capital and represents a rich history of the beginning of postal services in Kuwait, is today one of the abandoned buildings for unknown reasons. It has become a safe haven for violators in the past years, especially with the lack of oversight and follow-up from several concerned parties.

It has transformed from a historical legacy to a useless building, especially since the Ministry of Communications, which is the primary party responsible for this building, left the matter as if it is not its business. What is surprising is that the building, which was left abandoned since 2009, shows traces of modernity and renewal “externally”, but the reality of the situation is quite the opposite. The external appearance does not represent the reality of the building and the chaos it suffers, as the doors and windows are broken, and electrical wires are spread all over the place. Also, the fountain in front of the building does not bear anything but just a name without any features.

There is wood and dirt scattered in every corner. The external wall has become a “board” for advertisements in various Asian and Arabic languages. This confirms that the building represents a vivid picture of what is happening in terms of the waste of public money. It is not exaggeration to say that the only advantage of the building at the present time is that it has become a convenient “parking” place for the cars of the employees of the companies that are close to the site in order to protect them from the hot sun! In this regard, reliable sources in the Ministry of Communications said, “The building is currently still affiliated with the Ministry of Communications. Reports circulating regarding the handover of the building to the National Council for Culture, Arts and Literature (NCCAL) are incorrect.” They stressed that, “The reason behind the dormancy of the building for years is due to the lack of a budget for the last stage. The ministry still needs the aforementioned building to provide all postal services.”